Student Guidance

New and Current Students

Virginia Peninsula Community College is dedicated to serving all of our students at the very highest level. That support includes our students who are enrolled in our Workforce Development programs. Below is information which will help you sign up and enroll in classes as you start your educational journey with us, as you get the training you need to excel in the workforce of today and tomorrow.

Student Support
Steps to Enroll in a Workforce Development course



  • Instructions will be provided in online orientation



  • Review current booklist
  • Order online
  • Some programs may include required textbook(s) in the tuition

Questions? Call 757-825-4070 or email

Road to Success in Virginia Program (RSVP)

Virginia Peninsula wants to put you in control of your success through the Road to Success in Virginia Program (RSVP). If you want to train in Healthcare or Welding, then RSVP can set you on the path to success.

What is RSVP?
RSVP is a grant initiative created to serve TANF customers and low income families in Virginia. Locally, Virginia Peninsula has partnered with the Peninsula Regional Education Program to provide adult educational support through digital literacy and soft skills training.

Who qualifies for the program?
Qualified applicants are TANF customers or families with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Families must include one child under the age of 18.

RSVP provides financial assistance and the chance to upgrade your job skills into the following in-demand occupations:

Once you have completed your training, RSVP works with you through your job search to get you placed in your new career. Additional support services include: career counseling, mock interviews, soft skills training, health and welfare support. After you complete the program, job placement is also available.

For additional assistance or questions, call 757-825-2745 or e-mail

Schedule an Appointment with an Advisor

Our dedicated advisors are here to help you shape your future career and educational goals. Advisors, each with their expertise in specific career pathways, are here to guide both new and returning students. They help students explore the classes needed to support their educational goals.

How Advisors Help You:

  • Assistance in course selection and scheduling.
  • Accurate and timely information about college policies, procedures, and requirements.
  • Guidance in exploring your career pathway options and examining your educational goals.
  • Advisors will be accessible to students in various modalities (in-person meetings, Zoom meetings, phone, or email).
  • Assistance in completing the FastForward application, promissory notes, academic forms, etc.
  • When necessary, advisors will refer students to other offices for additional support.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Examine your career pathway and personal goals before initial and subsequent meetings.
  • Arrive promptly to all scheduled meetings.
  • Be familiar with the prerequisite, course completion, and credentials requirements.
  • Provide timely notice about any problems that may adversely affect your enrollment..
  • Students should read all correspondence from the College. This includes regularly checking personal email.
  • Be familiar with the policies, procedures, and requirements detailed in the Student Handbook.

If you are a new or returning student and want to apply for financial assistance, you must bring the following documents to complete the financial assistance application forms during the advising appointment and to be enrolled in your class.

These documents are crucial to your career pathway journey.:

  • Driver’s License or State ID
  • Birth Certificate or Valid Passport
  • 2023 Tax “Return” Transcript from the IRS website
  • Social Security Card
  • SNAP or TANF (if applicable)
  • Release Letter from the Department of Corrections (if applicable)
  • Name Change Documents (court orders or marriage certificates) (if applicable)

Connect With an Advisor:

Advising appointments are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:00 pm. Click below to schedule an appointment.

Appointment Cancellation Policy:

Please advise our office of any change as early as possible, as there is a high demand for appointments. Your cancellation will allow us to offer your time slot to another student.

If you need to cancel an appointment, please call 757-825-4070. If you do not cancel the appointment and do not show up, it will be recorded as a “no-show.”

Late arrival policy:

If you arrive later than 10 minutes after your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule.

Workforce Development Advising Office locations:

Contact Us:

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding your career pathway, the advising process or appointment cancellations at or 757-825-4070.