Virginia Peninsula At-a-Glance

Virginia Peninsula At-a-Glance

In Academic Year 2023-2024 Virginia Peninsula Community College served 9,012 students (unduplicated headcount) in credit instruction, making it the sixth largest college within the Virginia Community College System in terms of headcount.

The College serves a highly diverse region, and its student body closely reflects the demographics of the greater community. Of the College’s 9,012 credit students, 56.5% are female, 28.3% are 25 years old or older, and 52.9% are minority in terms of race/ethnicity.

Virginia Peninsula Community College serves a region that is home to many military service members and their families. In Academic Year 2023-2024 26.3% of Virginia Peninsula credit students indicated a military affiliation (e.g., active-duty, veteran, military spouse, or military dependent).

2023-2024 Enrollment Statistics

  • Unduplicated Headcount 9,012
  • Full time equivalency (FTES) 3,723
Enrollment by Ethnicity Number Percent
White 3,949 44%
Black or African American 2,506 28%
American Indian / Alaska Native 30 < 1%
Asian 508 6%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 21 < 1%
Hispanic / Latino 1003 11%
Two or More Races 696 8%
Race and Ethnicity Unknown 299 3%
Enrollment by Age Number Percent
Under 18 2,280 25%
18 - 19 1,948 22%
20 - 21 1,280 14%
22 - 24 953 11%
25 - 29 877 10%
30 - 34 595 7%
35 - 39 415 5%
40 - 49 418 5%
50 - 64 223 2%
65 and over 23 < 1%




Enrollment by Gender Number Percent
Male 3,693 41%
Female 5,092 57%
Unknown 227 3%
Enrollment by Program Number Percent
College Transfer 3,846 43%
Occupational / Technical 1,697 19%
Non-Curricular 3,469 38%
Enrollment by Residency Number Percent
Hampton 2,110 23%
James City County 746 8%
Newport News 1,924 21%
Poquoson 248 3%
Williamsburg 717 8%
York County 1,284 14%
Outside Service Area 1,983 22%
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